List of featured suppliers of NOISE CONTROL .See Also ACOUSTIC on Building Products Index

Noise control refers to the measures taken to mitigate or eliminate unwanted sound. It involves the use of various techniques and materials to reduce noise levels and improve acoustic conditions in a given space. This may include the use of insulation, sound-absorbing materials, and mechanical equipment to minimize or redirect sound waves. Effective noise control can help to create a more comfortable and productive environment for occupants, and may also be required by building codes or regulations.

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Armatherm™ is one of the leading suppliers of structural thermal break materials for the construction industry. Our goal is to provide architects, structural engineers and building design professionals with effective solutions to prevent thermal bridging.

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Tel: 01274
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SOPREMA UK supply an extensive range of waterproofing solutions. Our ranges include Sopralene an elastomeric torch-on roofing membrane. Flagon PVC and TPO membranes. Duoflex structural waterproofing, Alsan liquid applied waterproofing. Optigreen green roofing system and Metadeck our metal roofing decks. Flag-Soprema's worldwide success is evident from the millions of square metres of Flag membranes installed every year.

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Tel: 0330 058
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SCHÖCK UK are suppliers of a innovative and effective range of products that solve structural problems. Schocks range includes thermal breaks and balcony connectors that prevent thermal bridging for both steel and concrete slabs. For the suppression of impact noise in stairways Schock supply Tronsole® Stairwell Impact Sound Reduction System. For thermal bridges at foundation ground floor level Schock supply Novomur insulated blocks. Schock also supply expansion joints, shear load connecting dowels and thermal breaks for expansion joints in concrete, punch shear reinforcement and GRP reinforcement bars.

Tel: 01865 290890
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Tel: 01962 873 000
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Tel: 01509 611234